Rakesh Yadav Math Book Hindi English PDF Download By Readers Publication:>>

Rakesh Yadav Math Book Hindi English PDF Download – The Maths PDF comprises of most of the class icons taught by Rakesh Yadav Sir in the class batch that is regular. The book is critical for several aspirants of their SSC(CGL/LDC/DEO), CDS and other competitive examinations. All the questions have been contained to target the students to understand the latest version of this question currently being asked at different SSC exams that were competitive. Book is really awesome from each and every corner. All credit goes to author of this book Rakesh Yadav.
Table of Contents
Rakesh Yadav Math Book 2025 PDF Download Here:>>
Dear Aspirants, right the following we’re providing Rakesh Yadav’s SSC 7300+ arithmetic maths guide PDF. This Pdf will make clear most of the details of the chapter with easy and tough problems. This Pdf comprises greater than 7300 questions that are beneficial for competitive exams including SSC CHSL, SSC-CGL, RRB NTPCIBPS PO, SBI PO, RAILWAY as well as tests. We’ve given the Rakesh Yadav math book with chapter notes that you may download by studying all the different topics, but if you all want you could build that notes with the same drive, the same download or click together. So it is also possible to download the medium from the given link.
Rakesh Yadav Maths Book 2025 Hindi and English Topics:
In this Maths PDF, learners will discuss multiple Parts and concepts to learn. Just focus on this book and solve this book completely. In future we also come with this book solution that will give you a extra edge in your prepration. Which is really unavoidable for all the proposed exams like Railway, Bank, Police, SSC, UPSC, etc. The segmentation given in Rakesh Yadav Math Book is comparable this:
- Time and work (कार्य और समय)
- Pipe and cistern (पाइप और टंकी)
- Time and distance (समय और दूरी)
- Boat and stream (नाव और धारा)
- Percentage (प्रतिशत)
- Profit and loss (लाभ और हानि)
- Mixture and allegation (मिश्रण)
- Ratio and Proportion (अनुपात और समानुपात)
- Partnership (साझेदारी)
- Average (औसत)
- Compound interest (चक्रव्रधि ब्याज)
- Simple interest (साधारण ब्याज)
- Number System and Algebra (संख्या पद्धति और बीजगणित)
- HCF and LCM
- Geometry (ज्यामिति)
- Co-ordinate geometry (निर्देशांक ज्यामिति)
- 2D mensuration (क्षेत्रमिति)
- 3D mensuration
- Trigonometry (त्रिकोणमिति)
- Height and distance (ऊंचाई और दूरी)
- Data interpretation
Rakesh Yadav Math Book Download PDF
Name of Subject Rakesh Yadav Maths Book Name of Post: Advance Maths Total Pages 905 Format PDF File Auther Rakesh Yadav Sir Publisher: Rakesh Yadav Publication Krishna Reddy History Book Download Download>>
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